There can't be just one method of checkout

Raider Hansen Checkout Process

eCommerce checkout
UI / UX Designer


eCommerce for this company is in its infancy stages. Raider Hansen would like to increase web traffic as well as social media presence and engagement. This is achieved through contests with a chance to win a gift card. It is an incentive for potential customers to discover and follow us on social media as well as visit our website.

Task Overview

Create a checkout process accounting for B2B, B2C and Out of Province clients. Currently the website only has a Pay by credit card option.

My Role

I was the sole designer on this project and had an external team helping with the development side.

Tools used:
  • Sketching
  • Wireframing
  • Figma

Business Goals

Need to cater to our existing customers who win gift cards in marketing initiatives or B2B customers having an existing account agreement.

Designer Goals

Offer a successful checkout, so clients can pay but not get overwhelmed by the options to pay.

Target audience

The target audiences are: B2B, B2C and Out of Province clients.


I started with a pre-set template submitted to me by the developers. I conducted a user testing session with my peers and I observed them trying to checkout with a gift card. My colleagues were from different age backgrounds and technological skills. All across the board a common theme of errors emerged.

Opportunities discovered:
  • Knowing the balance of the gift card when they enter it in
  • Being able to pay the remaining balance on credit card
  • Only have the relevant fields displayed for entering a credit card


B2B Clients

Pay by PO

Bill later
Bill Later Option
Enter PO Details
B2C Clients


Brainstorming of information architecture
Bill Later Option


Entering and showing Gift Card amount
Showing gift card totals
Out of province shipping

Showing the disclaimer and pre-collecting the funds. This company is BC based, so out of province is an added benefit through eCommerce.

Bill Later Option


This was a task that was long overdue. It is something that is taken for granted, but in the backend, I also conducted end to end testing, to ensure that all departments received all the information necessary to fulfill the transaction.